When I got into work this morning, someone in the office had brought in their left over Halloween goodies and was offering them to the office. (is this common office behavior?) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats, pretzels and more.
They approached my holding a bag of the mini pretzels " Would you like some pretzels?" (of course directed to me, the diabetic)
Not wanting anything I responded " No, thank you,"
" You can't have the candy right?" she asked- (because just not wanting anything isn't ok?)
"I can have candy..." and not wanting to explain myself yet again (because I had made the same statement to the same person the day before) I left it at that, hoping that someday the information will permeate.
I work at a fundraising organization that supports research for Type 1 diabetes, I find it extremely frustrated when office talk conversations come to diabetes and there are questions and comments like this. The truth is, at my office there are not many Type 1 diabetics, but our mission is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications- so I don't find it to much to ask that we all understand what Type 1 diabetes is.
A great start to my day after yesterday's blog. A day which has been at the very least- frustrating.
Looking at my CGM (continuous glucose monitor) screen for the last 24 hour cycle it looks like a roller coaster full of high climbs and sudden drops. Finally, as I am settling in for the night, so is my blood sugar- finally stabilizing in the lower 100s.
It began at 4am when my CGM was vibrating LOW- it read 65. I had 2 glucose tabs (8 carbs) to stabilize it, but when I woke up it had climbed to 170 and before I had breakfast it had risen to 203-ouch! I took insulin (correction and bolus) for my blood sugar and for my breakfast and headed out to the office.
Two hours later, after passing up the Halloween treats, I went into see the visiting nurse in our office for flu shot and my CGM was once again LOW- 56 with a down arrow; signifies dropping fast. To correct this I had 5 mentos and watched my blood sugar rapidly turn around and climb, up with double arrows up (rising really fast). There was nothing I could do now but wait until it stabilized and I felt I could safely try and bring it down with insulin.
However my plan didn't work, I was stacking boluses (taking lots of insulin with no results) and my blood sugar stayed on the higher side with some fluctuation for the remainder of the work day. When I was leaving work on my way to yoga I was back to double arrows down...
I don't believe I did anything wrong today, I counted my carbs perfectly, I corrected for my highs and I tested my blood sugar every hour on my machine to make sure my numbers were acurately calibrating. Some days are just harder than other, and there are those circumstances (sleep patterns, stress, hormones...) that cause unexplainable fluctuations in your blood.
Days like today become a loose loose situation, high blood sugar causes me stress and stress causes high blood sugar. The fluctuations cause headaches, tiredness, mood changes and over- all exhaustion.
I am hopeful for a better, more consistent day tomorrow, and I will continue to do what I can to manage my health- one day at a time!