Today is D- Blog Day, where those who blog or are blogging, or who want to blog will today write six things we wish people knew about diabetes:
1.Understand the difference between Type 1 and Type 2. Diabetes is not just a blanket condition, T1 and T2 (and gestational for that matter) are very different, the disease doesn't discriminate and there is no common look for it. It affects everyone- differently.
2. Having Diabetes is a daily struggle- and very emotional at times. Everything has an affect on blood sugars and insulin levels. From the combination of foods we eat to the mood we are in, everything influences what is going to happen to our sugar levels, and it is not as simple mathematics equation.
3. Diabetics can do anything and everything they want. And if you know any of us, you know this is true. We are athletes, doctors, lawyers, students, mothers, advocates. We are a passionate group of people who support each other and work together for a single mission.
4. Diabetes affects everyone differently. What works for one, does not work for all. It is what works for each individual and their management. It takes time to figure this out, and it changes over time. It is unpredictable, so we just need to manage it to the best of or abilities.
5. Having an insulin pump does not mean I have the bad type of diabetes. It is all bad, and it is most likely much better now then when I was without the pump- or the CGM for that matter. Having the insulin pump gives me the best control and good control will reduce my risk of complications. These are the the tools we have today to mimic a normal pancreas as closely as possible.
6. We can eat this, we can eat that, whatever it may be! and we can tell you the nutritional value of just about anything.
Having diabetes is hard, it is a constant battle between the current and the future and how every decision we make has an affect on us. I have good days and I have bad days, and I am just fortunate to have a great support system and a lot of great influences in my life! I did not choose diabetes, but I choose every day to be healthy, happy and enjoy life.
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