Monday, November 15, 2010

My first "Photo Shoot"

This morning while sitting at my desk working on a few things, I got a call from our Director of Advertising and Promotions. I have seen her quite often over the past few days at Type 1 Talk, and the Promise Ball on Saturday (NYC Gala) She can be described as energetic, excited and enthusiastic. Shes been working a lot lately with my boss on some video productions projects such as we did yesterday, so I was surprised when she called to talk to me.

She asked if I wanted to be part of the upcoming JDRF poster/marketing material. The photographer is coming tomorrow Tuesday to the office after work to 'take some shots' They use all Real Type 1 Diabetics who have an affiliation- employee, volunteer with JDRF.

I text Billy and told him about it- he gets bragging rights that he is engaged to a model- ha:)

So I will sleep well tonight so my eyes are ready, I will try and work out in the morning to get my energy and blood sugars on track and I will be ready for my 'photo shoot.'

It should be funt.

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